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All country evolution his products his difference his army and grow his country gdp and top to word power race.

All country race in super power top 3 contry to top 3 in super power list. 2021

United States of America : USA is the top 1 in super power list USA TOP 1 in super power country list long time and hi diffence his position this year 

The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world’s most dominant economic and military power. Likewise, its cultural imprint spans the world, led in large part by its popular culture expressed in music, movies and television. In 2016 the country elected Donald Trump president. Trump's rhetoric and stances on issues including immigration and foreign trade have raised questions around the world, including from the country’s closest allies, about the nation’s future course on the global stage.

CHINA: China is a bigest population in world hi is second super power in world his big reason for his productions and export.

Home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, China has been ruled by the Communist Party since 1949, when the nation was established as the People’s Republic of China. The country is the world’s most populous and is considered the second-largest by land mass.

INDIA :india is a no.3 super power list his big reason his population india population no.2 in world and next 4 at 5 year hi is no 1 population in world hi is big market in world and his gdp grow preview 5 year very fast and hi is no.3 in super power list

Located in Southeast Asia, India sits on a peninsula that extends between the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The country, the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism, is the world’s second most-populous nation after China, and has roughly one-sixth of the world’s population. After years of nonviolent struggle against British rule, India gained its independence in 1947.


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